Friday, 29 March 2013

The Cro's Nest Continues The Rebels Read-A-Long With Chapter 13

For Elizabeth Lang's next date on The Rebels tour with Page Turner Book Tours she stops by with The Cro's Nest for the thirteenth chapter on The Rebels Read-A-Long. 

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 13...

"The hover bike ran silently under a blanket of darkness, dropping out of the skies from upper lanes restricted to Security personnel and emergency vehicles. The bounty hunter twisted the handle accelerator and the bike jerked forward. In the back, trussed up like a piece of luggage, a sullen Adrian grunted as the wind whipped around him, flapping his loose jacket. Lights and buildings flashed by in an upside-down blur. He was getting light-headed. 

The bounty hunter avoided the general traffic, weaving behind back alleys and side streets. He parked in a dark corner behind The Sleepy Goat, next to a green garbage disposal bin. The stench of rotting meat and spilled alcohol mixed with a generous splash of human waste. 

Not an efficient recycling system if they dispose of biodegradable materials in this fashion, thought Adrian. Boisterous sounds from the bar covered their approach." 

Please click HERE to read the full feature.


Our Next Stop is:

With Tink's Place for chapter fourteenth on The Rebels Read-A-Long


Tour dates to come:

31/03/2013 - Reading, Writing And More - Read-A-Long: Chapter 15


Also please don't forget to check out the EXCLUSIVE tour competition for The Empire for your chance to win and KOBO MINI and many other exclusive prizes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck to all who enter!

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